We are constantly trying to develop smart and advanced technology for a convenient and comfortable life. But with this progression, we have affected our environment and the living planet. And now, we must combat pollutants in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink.

Every parent’s mind is always questioning how to protect the family from the pollutants in the air. Do not worry because HVAC Inspection Los Angeles technicians have all the answers to your queries.

Different Ways To Test Indoor Air Quality!

Our air quality inspection experts in Hermosa Beach have prepared a list of all the ways you inspect and test the indoor air quality:

Purchase An Indoor Air Quality Monitor

An indoor air quality monitor is an electronic system that tests and accurately tells the indoor air pollution. It detects the amount of particulate matter, chemicals, and moisture content in the air and sends alerts if the levels dwindle from the normal levels.

Some equipment displays the real-time readings on a screen, whilst some convey the results with an app and an indicator light.

Mold Growth Test

Mold growth is a prominent sign that indicates high moisture content in your air. Increased moisture levels in the air harm your health as they raise health issues like allergies, asthma, and other health problems.

Mold growth tests are cheap and easily available at the stores, but the experts do not recommend using them because if there is moisture in the air, the test will work.
Instead, you should call air quality inspection experts in Hermosa Beach if you find the following signs in your household:

  • Musty smell
  • Mold growth patches in the corners or water patches on the walls
  • Experiencing allergic symptoms like stuffy nose, headache, sore throat, and sneezing every time but do not know why
  • Water leakage issue

Install Carbon Monoxide Alarm Safety System

Every household should have a carbon monoxide detector and alarm safety system to avoid all the hazards and risks from the chemical gas. Carbon monoxide is a by-product of the combustion process, and there are vents to discard the by-product fumes because CO is a tasteless, odorless, and hazardous gas.

Living in a carbon monoxide environment is toxic, and that is why the health complications in our world have increased because we are exposed to all the toxic chemicals.

There are battery-powered CO detector systems, and some are electrically powered to alert you about the rising levels of CO gas in the air.

Difference Between The Wet And Dry Thermostat

It is a home-based experiment to detect the indoor air’s moisture content. All you need is:

  • Two glass thermostats
  • Water
  • Cotton ball
  • Rubber band

Out of the two thermostats, mark the one as a dry thermostat and keep it on the table. Take a cotton ball, dip it in the water and wrap it around the bulb of the second thermostat. Mark it as the wet thermostat.
After 5-6 minutes, calculate the difference in the thermostat temperatures, and you can check online what the difference indicates.

A Professional AC inspection technician in Hermosa Beach would recommend calling the whole-house dehumidification service to maintain the indoor humidity balance. There are even radon tests to check the levels of radioactive gas radon in your environment.

Call our AC or indoor air quality experts if you feel something is wrong in your home environment. Contact our HVAC Inspections Los Angeles experts today!

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